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Jill Stein & Nick Fuentes Are Not The Solution To Zionist Occupation

Jill Stein & Nick Fuentes Are Not The Solution To Zionist Occupation

Why Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai's Movement Is the True Solution for Challenging Zionist Control

In the ongoing struggle against the Zionist occupation of America and Palestine, it’s becoming clearer that some of the figures who were once viewed by some as leaders of resistance are falling short. Jill Stein and Nick Fuentes, while always lacking to me in their respective ways, have both taken surprisingly disappointing turns that reveal their limitations in providing real solutions. Their recent actions suggest that neither is willing or able to confront the deeper challenges posed by Zionist power in any meaningful way.

Jill Stein: A Predictable Retreat

Jill Stein has long been, unfortunately, a figure of third-party politics, often challenging the two-party system and pushing progressive ideals. However, her stance on international affairs, especially concerning leaders like Vladimir Putin and Bashar al-Assad, reveals a retreat from her anti-war credentials—unjustly earned credentials at that. Under pressure from establishment voices like Mehdi Hasan, Stein chose to distance herself from and condemn figures who have stood against Western encroachment on their national sovereignty.

Putin and Assad: Defenders of Sovereignty

Putin and Assad, regardless of the controversies surrounding them, represent crucial players in the multipolar world order, challenging Western hegemony. Assad's Syria has resisted numerous attempts by NATO and U.S.-backed forces to engineer regime change, while Putin has repeatedly defied NATO's aggressive expansion towards Russia's borders. Their actions are not just about geopolitics; they are about defending their nations' sovereignty from Western interventionism.

Stein’s Predictable Fold Under Pressure

Stein’s decision to condemn these leaders rather than acknowledge their role in resisting Western aggression reveals a predictable tendency among left-leaning politicians to fold under media pressure. In an audio we leaked, Stein labeled her 2008 predecessor, an actual stateswoman, Cynthia McKinney, an anti-Semite for theorizing that Israel did 9/11. The moment she acquiesced to Hasan's framing, it was clear that Stein wasn’t going to be a consistent voice for sovereignty in the face of Western hegemony. This is not surprising, given the trajectory of many figures within the progressive establishment, who often shift their positions when confronted by mainstream media scrutiny.

Nick Fuentes: The Flawed Strategy of Infiltrating the GOP

Nick Fuentes, on the other hand, has carved out a niche on the far right with his Groypers, rallying young conservatives around his nationalist "blood and soil" rhetoric. Yet, his recent stay-at-home campaign, especially after urging his followers not to build independent third-party power and instead infiltrate the GOP, shows a significant miscalculation.

GOP Compromised By Israel

Rather than galvanizing a real movement against the Zionist-controlled political establishment, Fuentes is caught in an on-again, off-again cycle, pushing his base toward assimilation within the GOP—a party that has proven itself fully complicit in upholding Zionist interests—then telling his followers to disengage. Fuentes' strategy is problematic. The GOP, like the Democratic Party, has long been a defender of Zionist policies both domestically and abroad. Infiltrating this party rather than building an independent force capable of confronting the Zionist agenda only serves to dilute any real potential for change.

Fuentes’ Call for Complacency

His call for complacency among his followers, urging them to stay home rather than actively work toward building political alternatives, feels more like capitulation than a genuine attempt at resistance. This isn’t shocking, as Fuentes' ambitions have often seemed more about gaining influence within existing power structures than creating new ones. His discouragement against the building of third-party power, focusing instead on the GOP and then abandoning that strategy, only confirms that his vision for change remains limited within the confines of an already compromised political system.

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai: The Path to Real Political Reform

In contrast, my choice for president in 2024, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, stands as a figure who truly understands the need to break away from the compromised political framework that both Stein and Fuentes seem content to operate within. Shiva’s approach is grounded in a deep critique of the establishment, recognizing that real change will only come through challenging the system's very foundations, not by compromising with or assimilating into it.

Shiva’s Focus on Sovereignty and Decentralization

Dr. Shiva rejects the Zionist stranglehold on American politics and recognizes the importance of national sovereignty in the face of Western imperialism. His platform focuses on decentralizing power, promoting grassroots movements, and building a truly independent political force that stands against both the Democratic and Republican parties, as well as the controlled opposition within the Libertarians and Greens, which have long been dominated by Zionist interests.

Unlike Stein, Shiva does not retreat under media pressure, and unlike Fuentes, he does not encourage his followers to find safety within the GOP, only to, you know, at the very last second, disengage and do a stay-at-home campaign. Dr. Shiva remains committed to genuine political reform that challenges the core of Zionist control and aims to restore sovereignty to the American people.

Learn more about my choice in presidential candidate at

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Wi££iªm ☧øund§ 🍉: Former Campaign Chairman of Jesse Ventura/Cynthia McKinney 2020, 2022 Arizona Governor Candidate, & supporter of 2024 Presidential Candidate Shiva Ayyadurai ( Christus rex est.